Cisco Flexes Muscle: The Death of

Cisco flexes muscle to CiscoBlog started in December 2005 and this week announced they will need to render the name on July 4th.
Just my 2 cents, "PISS POOR CISCO!" Ciscoblog is a site by an engineer for engineers centered around Cisco technologies. Stop by and show your support...
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Well, after 5 fun years of running, Cisco "agents" have come. I was contacted by Cisco a couple weeks ago stating that violates their trademark. Being that gets 600,000 hits monthly (isn't that amazing?!?) I thought I could at least get a box of t-shirts out of the whole deal. Unfortunately, the response went something like, "Mr. Anderson...this is a legal matter. We don't negotiate."
So...I have until July 4th to find a new domain name. I guess if I owned Cisco, I wouldn't want some hoodlum posting at I understand the complaint.
...I just wanted a box of t-shirts out of the whole thing... :o)

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