Cisco – 802.11n shootout with Aruba,Motorola and HP

I just stumbled on a 4 part youtube video I believe posted by Cisco on a side by side “shootout” of 802.11n performance testing between Cisco, Aruba, Motorola and HP, 802.11n offerings. Their testing was conducted in a greenfield environment and deployed various tools to monitor performance. Cisco
came out smelling like a dozen roses (no, let me take that back, 2 dozen roses) as they conducted the test themselves. But needless to say, I think there is value in watching the videos. They have a solid test approach with added real world examples, or should I say test samples.
HP took two black eyes and a bloody nose in these videos. Gezzz…
Btw, I would hate to be the poor soul sitting underneath that 1252 access point hanging from the t-bar.
802.11n Performance - Testing Setup (Part 1 of 4)
802.11n Performance - Throughput vs. Distance (Part 2 of 4)
802.11n Performance - Coverage (Part 3 of 4)
802.11n Performance - Capacity Test (Part 4 of 4)
Reader Comments (1)
Why wasnt Meru Included ?