June 8, 2010 ~ JC.Bogard

Well what is there to say, except that when going into a differenttechnology there are new theories to learn and it can get really truing attimes. It would most likely be a lot faster in do if I were doing this atwork or in library somewhere but I am not.
I read in another blog where someone had just achieved his second CCIE andit appears from my understanding of how things were worded that boredomaffects us all when it comes to amassing all of the the theories in to ourgray matter. Really good to know that.
I strayed back off into Cisco land again. I think it would be really greatis CWNP.COM were to make/have training modules available for mobile devices.Little videos one can place on a device and listen to when ever they want orcan make the time. One of the odd things is that while reading something itoften appears to be nothing more than common since. Using "cheap" parts willresult in a less than disable signal strength or the same with the gear oneis using.
I truly like quality things and they are expensive. So in manning up to theplate it is back to the book and prepare for an early August test. No datein my mind yet but the sooner I know the details the better off I will be.

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