June 25, 2010 ~ JC.Bogard

Summer is here and it is hot in Florida, school is out and the kids are homeand time is ticking by day by day. Studies have been a mute point for a fewweeks. Checking the calendar and seeing when I have to get this done whilesuffering from a lack of desire brings me full circle again. So what have Ibeen doing? I have purchased a few training aids for the iPad (videos), moreflash cards and conformation on my Wireless LAN controller delivery wasmade. So I guess I have been studying but not as much as I need to orshould while addressing health issues.
Two of the fields that continue to change and progress are Security andWireless; tele-presence along with routing and switching keep getting new"tweaks" to them as well but with in the first two listed those fields arecontinuing to grow. As I have read recently that they are changing weeklywith new approaches and vulnerabilities being found. So the desire is there- it is just buried a bit with a few other concerns. No worries though asall be be addressed and I shall fall into my slip stream and progressforward going onward and upward. Still liking the Cisco base of productscompared to others but I am becoming more aware of the other vendors andthere offerings. I was reading over an offering from Firetide today for MESHwith wires. OK So the to get done list is as follows:
Two exams to take, CWNA and CCNA Wireless (maybe get my CWSP as well)Place Dry erase board in bedroom with list of topics and chapters to drillinto my personal knowledge base.Keep the children busy so I can study as much as humanly possibleAnd keep my updates here updated...
One thing I am going to check into is developing better study habits. I haveread over how the others are planning on going about there studies and theydo seem like sound practices. I know that Rick, listens to the audio fileswhile driving regarding the different topics and Darby, well I think he isjust a learning machine. Hmmm, I wonder if I were to go to a hypnotist iffavorable habits can be instilled in ones subconscious. Better yet, continueto have audio files playing in the back ground as our minds absorbs all fthe events in our surroundings at all times.
Time to get at it and get back on the CWNP and CLN forums.
John Christopher Bogard, CCNAhttp://wiremagnet.blogspot.com/

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