May 25, 2010 ~ JC.Bogard

May 25, 2010 ~ JC.Bogard
Well, my idea of bridging one of the 1220b AP did not work. The deviceshave one radio in them each. I noted this after I started familiarizingmyself with them. Between the GUI and the CLI a lot of fun. I have to admitthat the studies have not progressed as they should up to this point. Thereis a lot of route memorization in this process without the options of testthe ideas… Basically it is not the same type of learning I am used to. Ihave always been able to read information and then comment it to a commandline or via a GUI or something of that nature. Well I stand/sit corrected,committing the OSI layers to memory there was noting to test that out onexcept understanding what happens at the different layers compared to theDOD/TCPIP model. I can honestly say that my respect level for CWNAs has goneup, I am going to push on through this and commit it to memory which is alot harder for me than read trying and seeing what happens when you changeoptions/features.
I shall have a Airespace 4101 and a few more APs to play with. The lab thatI am going to set up will consist of a few of my 2620s, 3550, 2924, various2500 series and the 4101, and various APs (mostly Cisco with a Westel andNetgear thrown in the mix) (. Hopefully this will be beneficial that my lastgo at a bridging lab went… nowhere.
Wireless is very interesting for all of the various ways it can be used andthinking of other ways to use it. I think that comes down to anything youcan do on a wired network you can do via wireless as well. I even thought ofan RC plane controlled from with in a wired network to an antenna for the RFsignal to be broadcast for the plane. May the force be with you!

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