Re: Darby Weaver Mid-Week Report 06.302010 #5

I've been studying a little half-heartedly lately for the CWNA. Mostly due to the fact that my time actually doing actual Wireless Work was stolen away this month to do research for the Year 2011 Budget.
Next year's budget is all about ARS, Nexus 7000/5000/2000, and of course, WAAS. The Fluke Aircheck also made the "Must-Have" list too.
There are some plans to expand the Wireless up north to continue what we already started there.
That was the Capital Budget for 2011.
At the moment, I'm working on the Operational Budget for 2011. Not quite as much over-time research needs to be committed to this one.
However, since things like Books, Classes, items under $1000.00 and other misc items are part of this one, I'm still working on it too.
This means I've been spending time getting registered and preparing to get registered in not one but three schools for 2010/2011. Two of them offer a Wireless course from Cisco. That's it.
I did get all paid and signed up for Global Knowledge's CUWN course in October in Orlando.
I got permission to attend the 1-Day MS Project classes locally administered by New Horizons.
I'm headed to Wilmington at the end of the month to sit a class with Narbik for the CCIE RS at the CCIE Expo for a week of vacation.
I'm taking next week off for a week of vacation at home - R&R.
On the home front - I've had to take a step back. My sister-in-law is moving in, so I had to clear a rather large room for her. This took a lot of doing since the stuff had to go somewhere else.
I also bought 5 book shelves (11 now) for my NOC room in my house and I had to clear it out and am still working on putting it back together.
Anyway - these activities have pretty much occupied my time this past month and have kept me away from my CWNA study routine.
Now I did register for 2 exams yesterday for the CCENT/CCNA - and I just brushed up on them last night and will take both today.
But that only accounts for a single day...
I expect to be back on the horse after I get back from my 4th of July vacation.
Oh yes, I took up trying to learn to touch type. I got my home rows up to 106 wpm with 0 errors after a week of practice. So I've got a lot to go there too.
Still expect to take the CWNA in time to qualify for a re-take if needed but don't expect to need it anyway.

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