Darby Weaver Mid-Week Report 05.27.2010 #4.1

Kewl stuff...
The CWNA is making me look like a hero at work to the exec's already...
I showed up on-site to prep for a routine UPS replacement. The old one was failing.
Well... the lady in the corner office needed some help with her Wireless. She just got a new laptop and could not connect.
So... I step in take quick look. I saw she was associated with the Guest Wireless and that worked but she could not connect to a drive on the network.
So... Of course she needed access to the Secure Wireless LAN where she was at...
No problem. Took a look. She was using the Windows Client (the XP SP3 version) and so I just went to her Wireless NIC's properties and took a look.
Ok - We were not using the smartcard. We do use PEAP. We do do use MS CHAPv2.... She needed WPA2/AES and voila!!!
Worked like a champ!!!
Kewl deal...
I call this experience a CWTS/CWNA practical lab experience.
My day was busy researching/verifying/defending the Cisco CSS Load Balancer and working with a vendor about a script error on IIS which in no way is in my job description this year...
So after I got all the details, crossed all T's, dotted all I's... presented the config in full detail and layman's explanation...
I proceeded to use the new Fluke AirCheck...
This is one awesome device!
Ok - I count this as a CWTS/CWNA Lab experience. I did note that none of the neighboring networks were using 802.11N. Interesting...
One still had Tsunami for an SSID - Uh oh!!!
Lots of open networks in the building - easily attachable - the Fluke does that... with too much ease.
I proceeded to survey the 2nd/3rd Floor of the building (we lease about 1/2 of each or so)...
All my zones were good and were covered by at least 2 APs in Channels 1 and 11 respectively.
Only one area could possibly use another AP. So I'm adding one to my project for that area.
Totally awesome!!!
All of my spaces had 100% reception from at least 2 APs. The "Corner" had availability from at least 4 APs.
The building is not concerned with roaming, VoIP, or with RFID at this time.
The experience was quick, easy, and pleasant.
The antenna is terribly sensitive to everything... gotta check those specs.
I was asked for my opinion and quite frankly... This Fluke Aircheck is a "Must-Have" in my book.
The one I'm using is a demo and so... I gotta give it back... :(

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