Written Exam Study / Learn

The materials listed below can be helpful in preparing for exams. The list is only suggested, however, and other books or resources may also cover the same topics. About Study/Learn
Written and Lab Exam Refresh v2.0: Candidates who have their written or lab exams scheduled November 18, 2011 or later should prepare using the CCIE Wireless Written Exam Topics v2.0, and the Lab Exam Topics v2.0.
Candidates who have written exams scheduled on or prior to November 17, 2011 should continue using the existing CCIE Wireless Written Exam Topics v1.0 and the Lab Exam Topics v1.0. Please view the Written Exam Study/Learn tab and Lab Exam Study/Learn tab for more information on how to study and prepare for the Written Exam. |
The comprehensive CCIE Wireless written exam (#350-050) has 90-100 multiple-choice questions and is two hours in duration. The topic areas listed are general guidelines for the type of content that is likely to appear on the exam. Please note, however, that other relevant or related topic areas may also appear. There are no formal prerequisites for CCIE certification. Other professional certifications or training courses are not required. Instead, candidates must first pass a written qualification exam and then the corresponding hands-on lab exam. You are expected to have an in-depth understanding of the topics in the exam blueprints and strongly encouraged to have three to five years of job experience before attempting certification. You can review the exam preparation materials included on this page for more information. Locate authorized Cisco Learning Partners at the Global Learning Partner Locator. In addition, the course listed below contains related material that may enhance your personal knowledge of the items listed in the written exam topics. Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Networking Essentials (IUWNE) This page lists reading materials on topics appearing on the CCIE exam blueprints. They are not required study resources, however, they can be used to build knowledge in certain areas. Similar to the book list, the list of online resources provides links to articles, white papers, and documentation on topics covered in the exam topics. Configuration and Configuration Example Guides v1.0 Design and Solution Guidelines Configuration and Configuration Example Guides Applicable for both v1.0 and v2.0 Cisco 802.11n Design & Deployment Guidelines This content was created by community members, and has not been reviewed by Cisco. Be sure to rate the content and provide your comments. Have content you would like to share? Learn more about Community-Generated Content. Written Exam Topics
Reading List
Online Resources v1.0
Design and Solution Guides v1.0
Online Resources v2.0
Study Documents
Community-Generated Content

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