Wavelink Avalanche Cisco 79xx Wireless Phone Deployment

Over the next few weeks I’ll share my deployment strategy, challenges, design overview, testing and hands on experience while deploying one of the largest Wavelink Avalanche Cisco 79xx Wireless Phone deployments on planet earth!
I was challenged to reduce our organizations Cisco 79xx Wireless Phone deployment overhead while improving our post deployment manageability.
After clearly understanding the needs and requirements I evaluated a number of solutions and internal procedural changes to streamline a planned massive Cisco 7925 Wireless Phone deployment. It was clear an enterprise solution was needed.
Communication in Healthcare is arguably the most critical. It could mean life or death. Managing thousands of wireless phones in a healthcare system becomes a very sensitive matter while also posing a massive responsibility and an attention to detail at an extremely high level.
The consideration to demo Wavelink initially was a no brainer. The Wavelink ‘agent’ is already installed from the factory on each Cisco 79xx wireless handset. Wavelink is not new to me. Previously I was employed by a mobility company that deployed WiFi for 2 of the largest rental car companies in the US. We used Wavelink to manage thousands of Motorola hand helds across the nation.
I was surprised and concerned to learn that there wasn’t a lot of web content specific to Wavelink Avalanche and Cisco deployments. If you are considering Wavelink Avalanche I hope these post help you with your Wavelink journey.
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