Site Survey: Intravenous WiFi (Survey Pole)

Recently, I repurposed an old IV pole as a site survey rig.
Some see a collection of old carts and IV poles waiting to be thrown away as trash. As for me, I see parts for a survey rig ! This isn’t anything special and I didn’t say it was pretty. I am repurposing a few of these for local survey rigs. I plan to keep 1 at each hospital.
I mention the word “local” rig because this isn’t something that you can pack up and fly with. But if you work in healthcare it could be ideal to have one of these at each site. Or if you travel locally these travel comfortably in an suv.
IV poles come in all different shapes and sizes. I was lucky to find one that extends 12 feet in height and is very stable when fully extended with an access point attached. The casters are low profile and the battery (Terrawave) is placed at the base held into place with velcro. I have a cat5 cable running the length of the pole held in place with velcro. The access point is secured in place with a band clamp and a piece of velcro on top to stabilize the ap.
This is still a work in progress.
At the end of the day it meets my need. It is very mobile and it was FREE!

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