iPAD Whiteboard HD Review

I'm an iPAD junky and these apps can nickel and dime you to death! LOL
I use my iPad mainly for reading , some tunes and the cool apps. Recently, I<<<< CLICK ME >>>> wanted to find a
good whiteboard app. So I surfed and found most were just “finger drawing”. I also had a need for a VGA output and one that can be easy to use and looked semi professional (for a whiteboard drawing). In my search I came across Whiteboard HD.
Whiteboard HD allows you VGA output, ease of e-mailing and is great for collaboration. As a network engineer we like to draw with network ICONS. Well they don’t have “network” ICONS, YET. But you can use other shapes and label for identification. I did email support and they said network ICONs are on the way.
<<<< CLICK ME >>>>The app took a little while to get use to. But after a week I am breezing through the screens. With any new technology you need to embrace and have an open mind. Whiteboard HD isn’t that bad and the best I’ve found so far for my needs. Its like under $8
Here are a few examples …
If you used a better Whiteboard app please do share !

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