Top 10 Sessions From Interop Las Vegas 2015

Interop Las Vegas 2015 was a blast! Few conferences bring together a rich mix of vendors, products, solutions and attendees all in one place. I was particularly interested in Cisco's Hyperlocation, which just so happen to win Best of Interop Award - 2015 Mobility. Interop was a gathering of old friends and meeting new ones. I thought the mobility track was exceptional this year.
Cisco Hyperlocation:
I was also a panel guest at Cisco's Mobility lunch where WiFi Mobility, 802.11ac and our AWO (All Wireless Office) was topic of discussion. It was 60 minutes of great discussion and guest interaction. I would like to thank Cisco's Bill Rubino for the invite.
I spoke at my own session "Designing Todays WiFi Network for Tomorrow's Applications". I always enjoy sharing my real world hands on experience with others. WiFi is still black magic to many IT folks in the industry. The goal in my session, take 2 things away that you didn't know before. I think the attendees agreed. My session made Interop's Top 10 Sessions and ranked #6 in the standings as voted by attendees. I would like to thank Andrew Murray for the invite and having me back at Interop.
Interop Top 10
In closing three articles were published from my Interop session.
Remember The Restroom When Deploying Wireless
What happens if you remove an acceptable use policy from guest Wi-Fi?
Diversity of connected devices in hospitals poses unique challenge for going fully wireless

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