"Im going to let my Chauffeur answer that...."

Math and Physics for the 802.11 Wireless Engineer
I was recently asked by another (wired) engineer for a quick read to get up to speed with RF / 802.11. My answer, "Im going to let my Chauffeur answer that...."
As he gave me the look ... I said,"Ill send you the link"
If you haven't read this classic by Joseph Bardwell what are you waiting for ! This is a great PDF read and its easy on the eyes, well kinda. If you are new to RF / 802.11 this could close some of your learning gaps!
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for the link. I have many many customers and self proclaimed "Wireless Engineers" that do not have a concept of any RF theories. I try to direct them to the CWNA book however this article may infact bridge that gap. Regardless, this is great.
Thanks for the post.
Its nice of you to let your chauffeur answer