Cisco – Cisco vs Aruba Client Density test with 802.11n

Cisco released another video on Where they conducted client density testing with a Cisco 1142s against Aruba's AP-105 and AP-125. The test was conducted with 2.4 GHz non-bonded and 5 GHz with channel bonding. Although, I would have liked more details on how the test were conducted and were the results consistent.
This video explains competitive WLAN high density test results assessing Cisco's AP1140, Aruba's AP-105 and AP-125 in the area of bandwidth fairness. For this test, each 802.11n Access Point was loaded up with 60 Intel 802.11n clients all attempting to download data simultaneously. Throughput per client was assessed using VeriWave's WaveAgent software which generated downstream TCP traffic.
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