blog post 27 Apr 2010

Welcome to my first blog post.
Well my study guides arrived on 23 April, and I started my studying on the25th. I was able to knock out the first chapter that day, in between dealingwith a daughter and grandson who live with me, and working on my 10k steps aday program. Managed 10,300 that day.
So far the material is very well written, down to earth, andunderstandable. Not like other certification guides where you read somethingand go “say what?”. On to chapter two starting today, 27 April.
Having John, Darby and George just an email away to bounce things off ofone another, plus ask questions on items makes a huge difference. We arehoping to have a weekly conference call to go over the week's chapters, anddiscuss the material that was covered. I did have a question on WMM QoS, andGeorge immediately replied with a simplified answer and a link to awhitepaper with more detail. Can't complain about the service!
My goal is two to three chapters a week. I'm taking a lot of hand writtennotes, highlighting material, and making my own flash cards. My daughter andmy significant other are behind me 100% and have offered to quiz me wheneverI wish. They both know that achieving this certification has the possibilityto open more doors for me, and will increase my knowledge of wireless. Thegrandson is three, and he just likes running off with Grandpa's pens andbooks when I am not looking.
Reader Comments (1)
Just curious but what is the white paper you read for the WMM QoS.