Rick Todd , 27 May 10, Blog #2

Been a few weeks since I have been able to get things posted here. Been veryhectic at work, the health care company I work for is getting ready for anew software upgrade this summer, which is requiring new hardware as well.Being the sole IT person for the region, I have been quite busy.
The studying is going a bit slower than I had planned. I am working on chap5 as I write this. I found chap 4 on antennas to be extremely interesting.It made more sense of why things I have done in the past with wirelessworked. I was never given the reason or an explanation why, just told“that's the way we do it around here.”
Planning to get in a lot of hours studying this weekend. I also ordered theTrainSignal dvd set, which will immediately go on the Ipod as soon as itarrives on Tuesday. I think actually seeing the material being presentedbesides reading it will make it much more easy to absorb.
The goal is to finish up with the book, videos, etc by mid July. Then startwith the self tests and studying the areas I am weak in. I hope to schedulethe test in July for a August attempt, so I can take advantage of the freeretake “if” I fail, which I do not plan on doing