May, 5th, 2010

It has been an interesting week,RF Math... the 10'3 and 3's make sense, butthe formula is another story all together. I purchased my CWNA package withvoucher. I am going to figure out away to give my book ways being that Ialready have one... SO if you or someone you know is going through the CWTSand need the CWNA book let me know. Studies have been a bit harder thisweek, my wife is not 100% and that plays apart of ye ole studies. To behonest I knew that was a lot more to RF/Wireless communications than I wasaware of but I did not realize the depth of it. As the days go on it justkeeps getting deeper. I will be on the forums more now that I am seeing howmuch I really don't know and I have heard it said that the devil is in thedetails.
John Christopher Bogard, CCNA

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