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Cisco: 802 11 frames with Cisco VIP George Stefanick

Fluke Networks: Minimize Wi Fi Network Downtime

Aruba: Packets never lie: An in-depth overview of 802.11 frames

ATM15 Ten Talk “Wifi drivers and devices”

Houston Methodist Innovates with Wireless Technology

Bruce Frederick Antennas (1/2)


Bruce Frederick dB,dBi,dBd (2/2)

Cisco AP Group Nugget

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2.4 GHz Channel Overlap




  • CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Official Study Guide: Exam PW0-204
    CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Official Study Guide: Exam PW0-204
    by David D. Coleman, David A. Westcott, Bryan E. Harkins, Shawn M. Jackman

    Shawn Jackman (Jack) CWNE#54 is a personal friend and has been a mentor to me for many years.  I've had the pleasure and opportunity to work with Jack for 4 years. Jack is a great teacher who takes complex 802.11 standards and breaks them down so almost anyone can understand the concept at hand. I'm excited for you brother. Great job and job well done! Put another notch in the belt!

IEEE 802.11a/g/n Reference Sheet


LWAPP QoS Packet Tagging



Interference Types


Microwave Oven

Cordless Phone


Entries from September 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010


WLC: TACACS+ Config Note! 


Quick note about Cisco WLC and TACACS+. Got a call from a colleague who spent 2 hours on this issue. It is his first WLC install. 

When you configure Cisco TACACS+ on a Cisco WLC you need to add your TACACS+ server IP and secret information in 2 sections (authentication and authorization).  This is required for TACACS+ to work on a WLC.

 First you need to be authenticated and then authorized whereby you receive your (role). 

*The accounting section is not required for TACACS+ to work 

If you fail to enter only one section or not at all and run a debug “aaa tacacs enable” you will see: 

(WiSM-slot1-2) >debug aaa tacacs enable
(WiSM-slot1-2) >*Sep 06 15:02:25.495: tplusServerStateSet(), index=1 state=1
*Sep 06 15:17:13.343: Forwarding request to port=49
*Sep 06 15:17:15.157: tplus response: seq_no=2 session_id=f058fe68 length=16 encrypted=0
*Sep 06 15:17:15.157: auth_cont get_pass reply: pkt_length=25
*Sep 06 15:17:15.157: processTplusAuthResponse: Continue auth transaction
*Sep 06 15:17:15.171: tplus response: seq_no=4 session_id=f058fe68 length=6 encrypted=0
*Sep 06 15:17:15.172: tplus_make_author_request: athr server not found


Configure TACACS+ on WLC 

Use these commands to configure a TACACS+ authentication server:

config tacacs auth add index server_ip_address port# {ascii | hex} shared_secret—Adds a TACACS+ authentication server.

config tacacs auth delete index—Deletes a previously added TACACS+ authentication server.

config tacacs auth (enable | disable} index—Enables or disables a TACACS+ authentication server.

config tacacs auth server-timeout index timeout—Configures the retransmission timeout value for a TACACS+ authentication server.

Use these commands to configure a TACACS+ authorization server:

config tacacs athr add index server_ip_address port# {ascii | hex} shared_secret—Adds a TACACS+ authorization server.

config tacacs athr delete index—Deletes a previously added TACACS+ authorization server.

config tacacs athr (enable | disable} index—Enables or disables a TACACS+ authorization server.

config tacacs athr server-timeout index timeout—Configures the retransmission timeout value for a TACACS+ authorization server.

Use these commands to configure a TACACS+ accounting server:

config tacacs acct add index server_ip_address port# {ascii | hex} shared_secret—Adds a TACACS+ accounting server.

config tacacs acct delete index—Deletes a previously added TACACS+ accounting server.

config tacacs acct (enable | disable} index—Enables or disables a TACACS+ accounting server.

config tacacs acct server-timeout index timeout—Configures the retransmission timeout value for a TACACS+ accounting server. 

Use these commands to see TACACS+ statistics:

show tacacs summary—Shows a summary of TACACS+ servers and statistics.

show tacacs auth stats—Shows the TACACS+ authentication server statistics.

show tacacs athr stats—Shows the TACACS+ authorization server statistics.

show tacacs acct stats—Shows the TACACS+ accounting server statistics.