Autonomous: Multiple SSID With Multiple VLANs configuration example on Cisco Aironet APs

Cisco's Wireless TAC teams is one of the best around. Their group is small when compared to other groups like r/s and security. Ive had the pleasure to work with most if not all of them over the years by simply opening a TAC case and shooting the breeze. In most cases when I open a ticket the guys know me by name. Hey if you pay for TAC use it !
This video is by Surendra. Surendra is not only a bad ass Cisco TAC enigneer but he also leads the pack on Cisco Wireless Support forum. He is by far one of the most active Cisco Wireless TAC engineer contributors who gives back to the community.
In this video Surendra shows how to configure multiple SSIDs with multiple VLANs.

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