Microsoft changes go in to effect which affect the ability to run older versions of AnyConnect on Windows platforms

Important reminder – Deadline January 1 2017
Microsoft changes go in to effect which affect the ability to run older versions of AnyConnect on Windows platforms (pre 3.1MR13 or 4.2MR1)
As an important reminder, due to Microsoft code signing changes, old versions of AnyConnect (pre 3.1MR13 or 4.2MR1) will no longer run on Windows platforms as of 1/1/2017. While Cisco always recommends running current versions of AnyConnect for the most recent bug fixes, it is critical that customers upgrade any Windows users prior to this date in order for AnyConnect to still be able to run on those systems.
We always recommend the latest version of AnyConnect (4.x) at the time of updating, which today would be 4.3 or the latest 4.2 MR.
3.1MR14 is currently available for customers and is unaffected by this deadline, but the 3.x release train is no longer eligible for bug fixes.
Customers must have a Plus, Apex or VPN Only license with an active support contract in order to access 4.x software releases.
Code Signing Certificates: Windows will no longer trust files with the Mark of the Web attribute that are signed with a SHA-1 code signing certificate and are timestamped after 1/1/2016." Refer to the Microsoft documentation for more details: here