You are receiving this message because you have downloaded software through Please read this email in its entirety.
Working in cooperation with our customers and partners around the globe, Cisco continues taking proactive steps toward our vision of transforming the service experience. To protect the value of our services while enhancing your experience, Cisco will continue building on the successful roll-out of software download controls.
Why do you care?
On October 10, 2011, Cisco began the roll-out of software download controls in the US and Canada. All products will be validated against products registered on a Cisco service contract.
Why are we making this change?
System controls and processes are being implemented to ensure users are entitled to Cisco’s intellectual property. By aligning service access and delivery within the terms and conditions of user contracts, Cisco will now provide a consistent, compliant, single source service experience through the Service Access Management Tool (SAMT).
Call to Action!
To ensure continued Services Assurance, contact your Cisco Partner today! Need to locate a Partner near you? Cisco’s Partner Locator can help. Have a question regarding this transition? Contact technical support. To expedite your request, please include the following information: