To add a new user with READ or READ/WRITE permissions. First drop into the CLI of the WLC. Next, lead with the following:
You have other options such as delete, description, and password.
(Cisco-2006) >config mgmtuser ?
add Creates a local management user.
delete Delete an existing management user.
description Sets the description for a management user.
password Configures a password for a management user.
When you add a user you have 3 permissions:
(Cisco-2006) config>mgmtuser add username password ?
read-write Creates a management user with read-write access.
read-only Creates a management user with read-only access.
lobby-admin Creates a management user with lobby ambassador priviledges.
If you need to change the password of an existing user lead with the following:
To display your existing users use the show mgmtuser command:
(Cisco-2006) >show mgmtuser
User Name Permissions Description
----------------------- ------------ --------------------------------
cisco read-write
george read-write
lobby lobby-admin
NOTE -- User Names and Passwords are CASE SENSITIVE