WLC CLI command to change AP <Username> <Password> to ALL APs
Monday, November 23, 2009 at 10:59PM

The more you experiment and live in the CLI of a WLC you will find little nuggets that you can’t do in the GUI. This little find is just one of them. The AP USERNAME command allows you to change the username and password for ALL of the access points that are connected to the controller.Why is this important you might wonder? The obvious of course. Even if your AP is lightweight someone can still telnet, ssh or console into the AP with Cisco / Cisco.  

This command allows you to change ALL or individual APs usernames and passwords. This comes in handy after a new deployment.   

(Cisco Controller) config>ap <username> GEORGE <password> MY80211 <ALL or name of individual ap>

Article originally appeared on my80211.com (http://www.my80211.com/).
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